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Jakarta - Telkom reacted by tightening security after the occurrence of his internet network bandwidth theft cases that make the state-owned telecommunications company suffered losses of Rp 15 billion.

According to Vice President Corporate Communication Telkom Arif Prabowo, it immediately conduct an evaluation of the various sides. Starting from the external to the internal sphere.

"In the cyber security is always there are three main issues namely humans, technology, and processes. We've got control of security, if not, where can know there is a problem. Now we evaluate three main issues related to cyber security was internal, and see no less where, "he said to detikINET, Tuesday (10/05/2016).

Confirms, Telkom already has a certified safety standards. But if eventually they conceded as well, of course, there are several factors that should be investigated.

"It's simple, password we replace periodically. It's right there on the side of human beings. We are going to check into the service area, is there the same incident. If the events of yesterday were caught in Jakarta, Medan and Bandung. We are willing to comb all the Eastern Region Indonesia, "said Arif who is familiarly called Bobby.

As is known, the Police have established nine suspect cases Telkom internet bandwidth theft by unauthorized access and changes to the system or network operator owned red plate.

The nine suspects are RH, AK, KA, YP, EJ, AB, AFW, AB, and SPB were arrested in four separate locations in the region of South Tangerang, Bandung, Tanjungpinang, and Medan, since 1 April-15 April, 2016.

A total of five civilians perpetrators come from outside Telkom. Performers advertise on social media bandwidth upgrades. They claimed the Telkom. There are two other players call the customer stating that legal activity and cooperate with Telkom.

Other actors to make changes to client service, both in the front-end and back-end systems on request offender Telkom civilians and receive money transfers from the perpetrators of civilians as a reward.

Telkom suffered a loss of Rp 15 billion for the period of 2015 as a result of the bandwidth theft. Telkom reported adverse events it to the police by the Police Report Number: LP / 1303 / III / 2016 / PMJ / Ditreskrimsus dated March 18, 2016.

"Of course we lose. Imagine, 10 Mbps service is offered by only paying 2 Mbps," says Bobby.

Because rice has become porridge, Telkom also try to take the positives from the event. Bobby wished, this event could be a contributing factor to better educate the public.

"One, we have to continue to evaluate and tighten security. Second, our society really need internet service quality. Now we educate people to be able to do a quick quality Internet's trust with offers of irresponsible parties," he concluded.

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Iswanto Mahmud, Blog ini dibuat agar semua informasi tentang technologi maupun berita lainnya akan dimuat di blog in...
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